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Elaina Fitzgerald Kane delighted to be appointed to Government’s Tourism Recovery Taskforce

Elaina Fitzgerald Kane, Director of Fitzgeralds House Hotel and Spa and President of the Irish Hotels Federation has been appointed by Ministers Shane Ross and Minister Brendan Griffin TD to the Government’s Tourism Recovery Taskforce which has been charged with spearheading the economic recovery of Ireland’s tourism sector after the devastating effects of Covid-19.

Original Irish Hotel chiefs gather at Beech Hill Country House Hotel

Beech Hill Country House Hotel, Co Derry recently hosted Original Irish Hotels bi-annual meeting. Mary Fitzgerald, Chairperson of Original Irish Hotels, welcomed more than 40 hoteliers from across Ireland, along with the evenings keynote speaker, Howard Hastings of Hastings Hotels. Conor Donnelly, Operations Director at Beech Hill - which was recently acquired by The House Collection group - said the hotel was “honoured” to host one of the group’s prestigious bi-annual meetings.

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